Oil Paintings
These are the oil paintings as listed on the Art UK (previously BBC Your Paintings) website catalogued by the Public Catalogue Foundation. As the Tagging the Treasures project progresses information below will be updated periodically. This website now includes artworks recently added to the Collection which will not appear in the PCF catalogue.
A Yorkshire Terrier
Thomas William Earl (attributed) possibly his niece, Maud Alice Earl Alderman C F Critchley
Caroline Alice Millington (attributed to) |
Portrait of a Lady
Hector Caffieri Gathering Flocks on the Grampian
Richard Ansdell |
Dumbarton Rock on the Clyde
Samuel Bough Christ and Mary Magdalene
Richard Westall (attributed) Previously attributed to George Hamilton Constantine Lytham Coxwain, Tom Clarkson
Unknown Artist renovated by Walter Eastwood unlocated at this time, presumed missing |